Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No quiet nights around here!

Things I did (or tried to get done tonight): talk with my DH about the Fargo Marathon and a training plan, meet with a friend for a chat, enjoy some popcorn (popped on the stove with real butter poured on top!), handle the accounting for the little non-profit-y thing, take and return a pile of phone calls from dear friends.  I am overwhelmed by how many things need to get done on any given day. 

I am also quite grateful that my life is full, my health is good and that I have loving family and friends.

Friday, January 6, 2012

To begin. Just to begin.

I don't really know where to begin with blogging.  It's sort of like one of those self-published magazines or newsletters people used to make at Kinko's, isn't it? Who knew that we would end up with our own little publishing houses, right on top of our desk or kitchen tables? 

Practicing new things takes time. And patience. But the new becomes familiar and eventually archaic.  

Speaking of old things; rock formations at Joshua Tree National Park